产品的 HTML 站点地图
- 22K黄金大网格耳钉
- 22k 金 Lakshmi Navratna 耳钉
- 22K黄金大花朵耳钉
- 22K黄金花朵耳钉
- 22k 金华丽 Jhumka 圈形耳环
- 22K黄金镂空铃铛耳环
- 22k 金流动河流 Jhumka 耳环
- 22k 金庄严纹理圈形耳环
- 22K黄金大纹理圈
- 22k黄金大纹理圈耳环
- 22k 金月球 Jhumka 优雅耳环
- 22k 金 Fringe Dangles Chand 耳环
- 22K黄金镂空吊坠巴厘
- 22k 金 神圣 ChandBali Jhumka 耳环
- 22k 金格子网状吊坠耳环
- 18K黄金双触感金环
- 18K黄金编织藤蔓金戒指
- 经典哑光婚戒,18K黄金
- 18K黄金连结爱环
- 18k 金交错扭纹金戒指
- 18k 金阿卡迪亚金色手镯戒指
- 18k 金蕾丝和谐金手镯戒指
- 18K黄金双环带
- 22k 金宁静蕾丝金链
- 22k 金 Mighty Krishna 金链
- 22k 金 Majestic Links 金链
- 22k 金 Imperial Paragon 金链
- 22K黄金黄金王朝链
- 22k 金皇光金链
- 22k 黄金、白金和玫瑰金 Trinity 金链
- 辉煌峰22K黄金链
- 22k 金雄伟金龙吊坠
- 1.60 克拉 14k 金立式结婚戒指
- 1.50 克拉 14k 金结婚戒指
- 1.60 克拉 14k 金结婚戒指
- 1.65 克拉 14k 金结婚戒指
- 14K黄金单颗戒指1.02克拉
- 14k 白金 Lumière 钻石订婚戒指
- Elysian 圆形明亮式钻石光环订婚戒指
- 优雅公主方形切割钻石订婚戒指 14k 白金
- 北方优雅公主方形切割钻石订婚戒指 1.23 克拉
- 14k 白金 0.72 克拉钻石单石订婚戒指
- 雄伟公主光环钻石订婚戒指 1.71 CTW
- 钻石订婚戒指 0.62 克拉
- 14k 金钻石订婚戒指 0.5 克拉
- 浅色单石订婚戒指 0.50 克拉
- 圆形钻石订婚戒指 0.64CTW
- 14k 白金椭圆形钻石订婚戒指 0.81 克拉
- 14K 白金秘密光环单石戒指
- 14k 金钻石弧形条形项链 18 英寸
- 14k黄金钻石吊坠项链
- 10K 白金翠绿橄榄石和钻石项链
- 10k 金石榴石和钻石项链 18 英寸
- 10k 金红宝石和钻石花朵项链
- 三串珍珠项链 18 英寸 14k 金
- 14k 金淡水珍珠项链
- 10k 白金 Good Fortune 黄水晶项链
- 10k 金光彩蛋白石和钻石项链
- 10k 白金蓝宝石和钻石梨蛋白石项链
- 10k 金绿色橄榄石和钻石项链
- 10k 金黄水晶太阳钻石项链
- True Faith 橄榄石和钻石项链 10k 金
- 10k 金翡翠护身项链
- 14K 白金坦桑石和钻石双光环镶嵌项链
- 14K 金淡水珍珠项链
- 14k 白金养珠项链 18 英寸
- 14k 金钻石红宝石中心吊坠
- 14k 白金祖母绿和钻石项链
- 14K 白金祖母绿梨形钻石项链
- 14k 黄金钻石蝴蝶项链 18 英寸
- Fiamond 无限项链 14k 黄金 18 英寸
- 扭曲的14k黄金链条,18英寸,2毫米
- 美食风格金链 18 英寸 14k 金
- 立方体链条 18 英寸 1 毫米 14k 金
- 10K 24英寸 4毫米黄金链
- 14K黄金铺路链
- 交错双色金耳环
- 10k 金交错三色金耳环
- 三色金耳环,10K黄金
- 10k 黄金和白金交错双色调耳环
- 10K黄金圆环耳环
- 10k 金 Huggie 经典耳环
- 10k 金旋转瀑布耳环
- 10k 白金钻石彩虹耳环
- 10k 金花朵钻石耳环耳钉
- 10K黄金金环耳环
- 华丽黄金钻石王冠戒指
- 黄金密镶钻石展示戒指
- 皇家镶嵌印章戒指
- 绿帝金环
- 红雀戒指,蓝宝石
- 蓝色红雀戒指,蓝宝石
- 10K黄金钻石圆形镶嵌
- 10K金光辉弧形耳环
- 10k 金钻石圆形耳钉
- 10k 金钻石盒形耳钉
- 10k 金方形钻石耳钉
- 18K黄金钻石耳环圈
- 14k 白金钻石圆环
- 14k 经典金钻石耳钉
- 新加坡关闭 14k 纯金 Classy 连锁店
- Huggie Hoop 风格耳环 - 10K 纯金
- 14K黄金扭链项链
- 人字形细链项链 14k 金
- 14K 实心黄金电缆闭合链
- 闭合链环 14k 实心黄金
- 优雅的10K纯金圈形耳环
- 珍珠瀑布与白拓帕石
- 自由链长流苏耳钉
- 钻石耳钉 14k 纯金正面
- 铺镶圆环耳环
- 波浪形金色耳环
- 10k 实心黄金法兰克链 ~2mm
- 10k 半实心佛朗哥链钻石切割 2.6 毫米
- 交织优雅钻石戒指
- Enchanté 钻石镶嵌包裹戒指
- 三位一体戒指
- 锯状滚边细节复古结婚戒指
- 奢华扭曲金环
- 华丽的斜面米粒婚戒
- 特蕾索三钻婚戒
- 雄伟的拉丝斜面结婚戒指
- 永恒节奏婚礼乐队
- Sovereign 双色结婚戒指 18k 白金和黄金站立视图
- 厚重永恒婚戒 18k 黄金
- 午夜优雅垂饰耳环
- 光辉新月翡翠耳环
- 三色凹槽婚戒
- 尊贵蓝宝石印章戒指
- 月光石垂饰耳环
- 玫瑰切割红宝石垂坠耳环
- 交织之美
- 天体钻石光环耳钉
- 经典铺镶戒指,10K黄金
- 10K白金男士戒指
- 10k 白金黑鹰单石戒指
- 黑暗主权
- 10K黄金古巴链戒指 1.75克拉
- 10K黄金海蓝宝石耳环5毫米
- 海蓝宝吊坠配10k金链
- 10K 白金钻石紫水晶鸡尾酒戒指
- 10k 编织三带戒指
- 10K 白金吊坠,镶嵌蓝色托帕石和钻石,搭配项链 18 英寸
- 10K 白金吊坠,镶红宝石和钻石,项链 18 英寸
- 10K 白金吊坠,祖母绿和钻石,项链 18 英寸
- 14K 白金和钻石吊坠
- 10k 金吊坠配深色蓝宝石和钻石,配 16 英寸项链
- 14K 白金镶钻石 0.5 克拉耳环
- 14K 白金镶钻石 1.00 克拉螺旋耳钉耳环
- 1.30 克拉单石戒指 14k 白金
- 1.00 克拉婚戒 14k 白金
- 10K 金镶钻椭圆形祖母绿女士戒指
- 10K白金配钻石和翡翠
- 10k 白金镶嵌钻石和蓝宝石
- 14K黄金,钻石戒指
Q : How do i know if my diamond is of good quality?
A : Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat weight are the 4 key elements to consider when buying a diamond. the higher the grade, the higher the quality. They are referred to as the four C's.
Q : What are black diamonds? How are they different than regular ones?
Black diamond ringA : Black diamonds have a very high amount of minerals trapped within them, called inclusions, and this is what gives them a dark color. They are for this reason classified differently than regular diamonds, ranging from AAAA, AAA, AA and A.
Q : Is buying jewelry a good investment?
A : Yes. High-quality materials will always be a safe bet when investing, as they will retain their value and even appreciate over time. A well made ring with a beautiful diamond, ruby or precious gemstone will retain its value throughout the ages.
Q : What types of gemstones are available in your collections?
See our collectionsA : We sell Diamonds, black diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, topazes, amethysts, aquamarines, and much more to come!
Q : How can I find my ring size?
A : Take a flexible tape, or a string, put it around your desired finger, measure it, and use our size chart to find your perfect size.
Q : How should I care for and clean my jewelry?
A : Soak your piece in warm water, with a couple of drops of dish soap for several minutes, clean it with a clean toothbrush, then dry it with a lint-free cloth. Never use bleaches or hard abrasives, as this will permanently damage your jewelry.
Q : What payment methods do you accept?
A : We accept over 80 different methods for payments. You shouldn't have any problems at checkout.
Q : Do you ship internationally, and what are the shipping costs?
A : We do ship internationally, and there are no shipping costs!
Q : How can I contact customer service if i have more questions?
A : You can contact us at bellemaredugas@gmail.com.
Q : What should I do if I receive a defective or incorrect item?
A : This is impossible, as each diamond, ring, pendant or earring is inspected manually before shipment. However, if it happens, you can contact us at bellemaredugas@gmail.com.
Q : Are your gold pieces solid or plated?
A : All pieces are made with solid gold, except when stated otherwise. All necessary informations can be found in the item's description.